There is a war in Europe, there are conflicts, unrest and disasters around the world. We will not forget that. But when the players enter the field and the party begins, together we will rejoice over sublime passes great saves and excellent goals. We expect magical moments where we rejoice across continents. We are common about this, we all belong to the same global culture. Football is magic, you feel like a human being. You belong to humanity.
The countdown for the World Cup has started. From November 20 the eyes of the world will be on the arena in Qatar. It is the first time the World Cup takes place in an Arab country, but it is not the first time that a global sporting event takes place in a country without democracy and respect for human rights. Some people think it is a scandal that Qatar became the host, money and politics have once again invaded the sport.
Football is the passion for adults and children on all continents. Girls and boys play football in streets and backyards, or on dusty tracks, in South America, Africa, Europe, Asia, and in the Middle East. The game is magical, and the most beautiful fantasies flourish in the brain when you dribble free of the defense, feint the goalkeeper and score your dream goal under the wildest cheers. O jogo bonito, the beautiful game, is a worldwide celebration.
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