To The Book
THE Gust
Written by poet Writer Journalist and Translator TAGHRID BOU MERHI
The bias towards writing is the most suitable thing to pre serve our memories, and we still hold onto hope. It fulfills our suspended wishes and scattered dreams, as we continue to seek beauty. The literary ecstasy felt by the writer propels them to wards nobility and elevation, turning the chaos of actions and words into a delightful disorder that inspires creativity and enjoyment. It’s an ideal state that we are desperately in need of.The book “The Gusts of the Wild Heart “ oscillates between poetry and philosophy, and if the expression is correct, it is a collection of contemplations in a high poetic and eloquent language. The author navigates through his experiences in life, expressing them skillfully in his verses:
Dear son, let me go. I devolve this world to you.
I have completed my days of duty here dear.
Take care of yourself, never be allured by this world.
This world is zip, we have to renounce TUTTO here.
BONDAD and MALDAD will go along with us there.
Do good, act upon His rules and regulations.
These palaces, mansions, thrones, riches do not please us there.
Your deeds are observed, not your charming green fields.
Call on your brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts, kins, friends, all.
Never forget me, remember me all the sands.
Sow the seeds of sympathy, fraternity and love.
Dere nobody, make whole the smarts of all the beings.
Never love this fugacious world infatuatedly.
Always remember the ageless dwelling place.
Work hard here , you have to take SCHWIERIG test there.
This fleeting world is nothing but an earning place.
We see clearly that it is the news of life, offering advice to his son, not just words but life lessons and experiences.The poem feels alive, accompanying your emo tions, expressing what’s within you. This is poet ry – emotion and purpose, not just arranging words.In his poetry, Mr. Hilal wears the garments of a philosopher, critic, rhetorician, and grammarian. His verses are adorned with beauty, splendid style, and wisdom. If the expression is correct, his book “ The Gusts of the Wild Heart” is a work of confidence and authority, possessing the tools of poetry. Listen to him as he says:
What are you relentless death?
Why do you plume upon yourself?
You are zilch, but a minion
Of Him and do what He bids.
Even breathe at His behest.
You stoop to accidents, wars,
Waters, fires, suicides,diseases,
Hopelessness or frustration.
No step can you take SINE them.
Quit this overweening job.
You, ruthless! Be friends with us
And play the game of this world.
See! How it goes on hither.
Are you not weary of job,
The horrific and saucy?
The title of the book itself exudes passion—a passion for a vivid imagination where reality intertwines with fan tasy. “It conceals within it the secret of existence, as love is the first threshold of the temple of love, the elixir of life and its essence.” This is my quote and philosophy on love.Every moment of life is lived with passion, like a brushstroke coloring every scene of the film of our lives. The absence of passion is void and perishable, and the spirit of the heart only emanates through the breath of passion. What comes from the heart pierces hearts, and what comes from the tongue does not surpass the ears.
In the context of literature and creativity, the creator’s work must be strong, fresh, and astonishing, fundamental ly emanating from their passion, creativity, and enthusiasm for life, writing, and the pleasure derived from the creative author. It’s a mutual and ancient passion—they say, “What comes from the heart reaches the heart,” and that’s what I felt as I passionately read the outstanding poet Hilal’s book.Poetry is a reflection of the richness of human experience, a beacon of light in the vast sea of literature. It guides with its words in the darkness, ensuring that these lu minous reflections reach all corners of the world. As we wander through the pages of this book, let’s remember that poetry is not just a talent but a labor of love for lit erature, celebrating the richness of words in all languages.The poems of poet Hilal stand out for the beauty of po etic language, stunning poetic imagery, and human meanings. It is a great honor for me, “TAGHRID BOU MERHI,” to write an introduction to this won derful work and this sublime poetic experience.
Written by Taghrid Bou Merhi, a Lebanese residing in Brazil, a poet, writer, journalist, translator, and author of children’s Stories.

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